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Yes, there’s now a podcast about Norwood

You may have heard that someone started a podcast about Norwood.

Yes, Norwood, Ohio.

Why on earth would someone do that?

That’s an excellent question and one that I’d like to explain.

You see, that someone is me, Jon Moore, and there’s a perfectly good reason for all of this.

Since moving here in August of 2018 with my wife, Jessica, I have dove head-first into all things Norwood. I want to learn as much as I can about this city. I want to get involved. And I want to see this place reach its potential.

In this pursuit, I decided to start this podcast about Norwood. You can hear my full explanation in the introductory episode below.

Listen here. ⬇️


Move Norwood Forward aims to shed light on the people, businesses and happenings of Norwood, Ohio that are bettering the city. If you know of a person who should be featured on an episode, nominate them here.

1 thought on “Yes, there’s now a podcast about Norwood”

  1. This is great Jon! Well thought out…… kudos to you! FUN! Can’t wait for more!
    Any local political aspirations?

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